Week04 — News, Updates & Reminders — AWS | HashiCorp | Istio | Linux

News from AWS, HashiCorp, Istio and Linux. Reminder for the Linux patch update and the end of support of Istio, AWS EKS and AWS RDS.

Matheus Lozano
News, Updates and Reminders
3 min readJan 31, 2021


Replica: https://www.lozanomatheus.com/post/week04-news-updates-reminders-aws-hashicorp-istio-linux

AWS, HashiCorp, Istio and Linux news
Image by Demonstre Educação on Pinterest



27 news | 3 reminders (2 new)


2 news


1 news | 1 reminder


6 News | 1 reminder (1 new)

News, updates & announcements


29/01/2021 - Amazon Transcribe Medical now provides automatic Protected Health Information (PHI) identification

29/01/2021 - Amazon GuardDuty introduces machine learning domain reputation model to expand threat detection and improve accuracy

29/01/2021 - Amazon SNS now supports 1-minute CloudWatch metrics

29/01/2021 - Amazon Elastic File System triples read throughput

29/01/2021 - Amazon Managed Blockchain now supports resource tagging and tag-based access control

28/01/2021 - AWS Glue DataBrew now supports six additional delimiters for its datasets

28/01/2021 - AWS Glue DataBrew is now available in six additional AWS Regions

28/01/2021 - AWS RoboMaker supports data upload configurations in simulation jobs

28/01/2021 - AWS Control Tower now provides bulk account update

28/01/2021 - AWS Control Tower now extends governance to existing OUs in your AWS Organizations

28/01/2021 - Amazon CloudWatch now adds Fluent Bit support for container logs from Amazon EKS and Kubernetes

28/01/2021 - AWS Control Tower now available in Canada, Frankfurt, London, Stockholm and Singapore AWS Regions

28/01/2021 - Amazon Aurora supports in-place upgrades from PostgreSQL 11 to 12

28/01/2021 - Amazon Aurora supports PostgreSQL 12

28/01/2021 - AWS Marketplace announces support for multiple Private Marketplace catalogs

27/01/2021 - Amazon Timestream can now be used for workloads subject to HIPAA, ISO, and PCI DSS

27/01/2021 - Amazon SES now lets you assign a configuration set to an email identity

27/01/2021 - Amazon FSx is now available in the AWS Africa (Cape Town), Europe (Milan), and Middle East (Bahrain) Regions

27/01/2021 - AWS CodePipeline now available in Europe South (Milan) region

27/01/2021 - Discover, review, and remediate unintended access to Secrets Manager secrets using IAM Access Analyzer

27/01/2021 - Amazon Elasticsearch Service extends encryption at rest and node-to-node encryption to existing domains

27/01/2021 - AWS Security Hub adds 1 new integration globally and adds 5 integrations to AWS GovCloud (US) Regions

27/01/2021 - Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports tempdb on local instance store with R5d and M5d instance types

26/01/2021 - AWS Direct Connect launches second location in Italy

26/01/2021 - Amazon EBS announces CloudWatch metrics with 1-minute granularity on all EBS volume types

25/01/2021 - Amazon Redshift doubles managed storage quota to 128 TB per node for RA3.16XL and RA3.4XL node-types

25/01/2021 - AWS Shield Advanced now provides mitigation metrics and network traffic timelines


29/01/2021 - Announcing Istio 1.7.7



Matheus Lozano
News, Updates and Reminders

A SysAdmin who love to automate everything — DevSecOps, SRE and Chaos Engineer, let's share our skills.